Health Benefits Of Cassava

Health Benefits of Cassava

Cassava or Yuca (in Spanish word) or manioc has many benefits of health. Here are some descriptions of the health benefits of cassava roots and leaves:

  1. 1. Provide energy to support your activities
In 100 gram serving, cassava roots or yucca contains 38 grams of carbohydrates and serve about 160 kcal. This makes cassava as excellent energy source for individuals’ body who experience strenuous physical activities.

  1. 2. Protect and repair body tissue
Cassava tubers contain protein which plays important role in protecting and repairing body tissue. The leaves contain different types of proteins such as lysine, isoleucine, leucine, valine, and lots of arginine which are not commonly found in green leafy plants. Cassava almost contains all amino acid which can compare to eggs and soybeans as great source of proteins.

  1. 3. Lowering Blood Cholesterol
Cassava has significant effect in decreasing total cholesterol levels, it also decreased the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol which are considered as “bad” cholesterol and may help to lower the triglyceride levels due to its high dietary fibre content. It also known as good source of saponins. These phytochemicals can help the body lower unhealthy cholesterol levels in your bloodstream. Saponins act by binding the bile acids and cholesterol and prevent thus from being absorbed by small intestines.

  1. 4. Reducing Risk of Heart Disease
As explained before that cassava can reduce cholesterol which are the culprit of heart disease by its fiber and maintaining the health of blood arteries and circulation.

  1. 5. Building strong bones and teeth
Cassava contains calcium which is necessary for keeping strong bones and teeth. The Vitamin-K which found in Cassava leaves also has a potential role in bone mass building by promoting Osteotrophic activity in the bones and preventing losing minerals especially calcium.

  1. 6. Keeping Normal Metabolism
Cassava is a moderate source of some of the valuable B-complex group of vitamins such as folates, pyridoxine, thiamin, riboflavin, and pantothenic acid which are important to produce metabolism hormones and keeping normal metabolism occur in the body.

  1. 7. Help regulate heart rate and Blood Pressure
The adequate potassium amounts which found in cassava (271 mg per 100 g or 6% of RDA) play as important component of cell and body fluids that help regulate heart rate and blood pressure. A study showed that potassium which consumed by people with high blood pressure could help in lowering systolic blood pressure. Potassium also an important mineral which enables your heart to beat. People with heart rhythm problem are supposed to consumed potassium and cassava can be the choice.

  1. 8. Prevent Constipation and Weight Loss
Amylose (16-17%) which found in cassava is another major complex carbohydrate sources which slowly break down by the body and promotes satiety. Cassava also contains high amounts of dietary fiber, which can help prevent constipation. Fiber also helps individuals to lose weight by maintaining long last satiety according to the Mayo Clinic website. Cooked cassava leaves contain low calories, 37kcal in 100grams that is great for weight loss and to be noted, they just about free from fat.

  1. 9. Serving Gluten-free and nutrients for Celiac Disease patients
Unlike other substances which found in other plant food, cassava is gluten free. Gluten is protein which usually found in wheat, barley, oats, and rye and can cause allergy to some people. Person with celiac disease (abnormality or damage of small intestine which cannot tolerate gluten) can consume starch or flour from cassava because is free from gluten. So they still can enjoy some cake made from cassava and other savoury dishes which need flour to thicken the gravy.

  1. 10. Lowering Blood Level Sugar
The fiber in cassava makes the process absorption of sugar into the bloodstream slower. It’s a great news for people who suffering from diabetes, by eating the fiber rich cassava. They can experience satiety without worrying the blood sugar level. Therefore, cassava is well suggested to people with Diabetes.

  1. 11. Prevent from cancer
Cassava contains some antioxidant which play important role from preventing free radicals to enter the body and promoting cancer. The powerful antioxidant including Vitamin C, beta carotene and Saponins. Those antioxidants are known to help the body protect your cells from damage by free radicals and repair broken DNA. A study of Fitoterapia by scientists from Tianjin University found that saponins which contained by plants may help prevent cancer. This study published in the October 2010.

  1. 12. Promote Probiotics growing and boost immune system
Fiber in cassava especially the leaves can promote the growth of probiotics or good bacteria in guts and probiotics itself is famous known as part of immune system. The growth of good bacteria in human guts can boosts immunity by limiting the number of pathogenic microorganisms in the body.

  1. 13. Limiting neural damage in brain and Prevent Alzheimer
Vitamin K which found young tender cassava leaves also has been proven which has established role in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease patients by limiting neuronal damage in the brain. The adequate intake of amount Vitamin K also protecting brain from losing cell function.

  1. 14. Prevent anemia and help the blood to carry Oxygen
The mineral iron which contained by cassava can helps the body to form two important proteins hemoglobin (protein molecule in red blood cell) and myoglobin (protein found in heart and muscle) – who served to carry oxygen to whole body tissues. Consuming cassava leaves or roots can help to prevent the body from iron deficiency which leads to anemia and help the process of in renewing red blood cells.

  1. 15. Help alleviate stress and anxiety
The vitamins and minerals in cassava roots and leaves also known to help the body in alleviate stress and anxiety by promoting good mood. Magnesium which contained by cassava is well known as stress reliever and play role in calming the nervous system.